Website logo RMUTL Magazine issue12 | Faculty of Science and Agricultural Technology

RMUTL Magazine issue12

Publish : Monday 07 October 2019 By APINYA POOLTRUB จำนวนผู้เข้าชม 5095 คน

ยังไม่มีคะแนนสำหรับบทความนี้ ผู้อ่านสามารถให้คะแนนบทความได้จากปุ่มข้างใต้

 Hands-on graduate Of RMUTL

  • The path to be Student Royal Awards of Rajamagala University of Technology Lanna
  • The winner of the competition in “The 8th Young Generation Pursues Knowledge Project” in 2013 “Khao Sam Suk”
  • The winner in Education Branch in “The Project of Audiobook to Fulfil Learning Imagination to The Blind” The competition in “The 2nd Red Bull U-Project” in 2015
  • World Skills Competition: The Stage of Creating World-Class Skilled Labor
  • ASIA STAR Awards: A Stage for New Designer to the Road of Packaging
  • The Volleyball Club of the RMUTL Phitsanulok
  • The Mae Pom A Rajagamala: A representative of unity inheriting the ways of life for people of Nan River
  • The DBD e-Commerce Pitching Contest 2019 Project under the theme of “Innovative Idea, Online Community, Creativity, Teenager”.


Read More https://RMUTL MAGAZINE#12


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